2.5. Services

If service detection was performed (for example with '-sV' or '-A'), we can gather the service information for a given host, protocol and port:

  • service(host:str, protocol:str, port:str,int): Get a Service instance representing the gathered information from the service, if no service information was found it returns None.
  • standard_service_info(host:str, protocol:str, port:str,int): Returns the service name and service information. The service information is a string formed by the service product, version and extrainfo. If there is no info about a particular service, two None values will be returned. If nmap has found the name of the service, but it doesnt know anything about the service information itself, this method will return the name and an empty string ('').

2.5.1. Service object

Executing the function service(host:str, protocol:str, port:int,str) will return None if there is no known service, or it will return a Service object in any other case. A Service object has 4 simple properties:

  • name: Return the name of the service.
  • product: Return the product running on that service.
  • version: Return the version of the product.
  • extrainfo: Return extra information about the product.

We can also get all CPEs associated with that service:

  • all_cpes(): Return a list containing all the CPEs from a service.

Get all the scripts information that were launched against that particular service:

  • all_scripts(): Yields every script name and output from every script that was launched against that service.

Service instances can be used as list objects, which allows scripts management, for example:

  • service_instance[script_name]: Return the output from a given script name.
  • service_instance[script_name] = script_output: Add a script name with an associated output.
  • del service_instance[script_name]: Delete every script related information for a given script name.
  • 'my_script' in service_instance: Check if a given script is inside the instance.

2.5.2. Service object example

import nmapthon as nm

scanner = nm.NmapScanner('', ports='22,53,443', arguments='-A -T4')

# for every host scanned
for host in scanner.scanned_hosts():
    # for every protocol scanned for each host
    for proto in scanner.all_protocols(host):
        # for each scanned port
        for port in scanner.scanned_ports(host, proto):
            # Get service object
            service = scanner.service(host, proto, port)
            if service is not None:
                print("Service name: {}".format(service.name))
                print("Service product: {}".format(service.product))
                for cpe in service.all_cpes():
                    print("CPE: {}".format(cpe))
                for name, output in service.all_scripts():
                    print("Script: {}\nOutput: {}".format(name, output))
                # You could also do print(str(service))
                # You could also know if 'ssh-keys' script was launched and print the output
                if 'ssh-keys' in service:

2.5.3. Service standard info example

import nmapthon as nm

scanner = nm.NmapScanner('', ports='22,53,443', arguments='-sV -T4')

# for every host scanned
for host in scanner.scanned_hosts():
    # for every protocol scanned for each host
    for proto in scanner.all_protocols(host):
        # for each scanned port
        for port in scanner.scanned_ports(host, proto):
            # Get service information
            service, service_info = scanner.standard_service_info(host, proto, port)
            if service is not None:
                print("Service: {}\tInfo: {}".format(service, service_info))