2.9. Merging NmapScanner objects

There may be situations where several NmapScanner instances may be instantiated separately, so a merge() is available to merge scans. It must be called after the instance finishes the scan, and it accepts any number of other NmapScanner instances plus additional **kwargs:

  • merge_tcp=True: Flag to allow TCP merging
  • merge_udp=True: Flag to allow UDP merging
  • merge_scripts=True: Flag to merge host scripts. TCP/UDP port scripts are merged if their respective flag is True.
  • merge_trace=True: Merge Traceroute information.
  • merge_os=True: Merge OS information.
  • merge_non_scanned=True: Merge IPs that could not be scanned.

2.9.1. merge() deep inspect

The merge() method acts differently depending on a main condition, which is: “Does the instance that’s calling the method have the target X?”. Depending on the answer:

  • If the target is not in the caller scanner, all the information from the target is copied depending on the **kwargs flags values.
  • If the target is on the caller scanner, the information is copied depending on the flags, particularly:
    • TCP/UDP ports are copied if they where not scanned on the caller scan, but if the caller already has information about them, it’s not overwritten.
    • OS information, as well as Host scripts are checked one by one, only adding them if the caller does not have information of a particular OS/script.
    • Traceroute is only added while no Traceroute information is in the caller scanner.

2.9.2. Example 1: Dividing TCP and UDP scans

import nmapthon as nm

# Run a TCP scan synchronously and a UDP async to the same target
main_scanner = nm.NmapScanner('', ports=[22, 80, 443], arguments='-sV -sS -n')
udp_scanner = nm.AsyncNmapScanner('', ports=[21, 53], arguments='-sU -n', mute_error=True)

# Launch the UDP first

# Launch the TCP
except nm.NmapScanError as e:
    print('Error while scanning TCP ports:\n{}'.format(e))

# Wait until UDP ends

if udp_scanner.finished_successfully():
    # Merge the scans (Do not need to set all flags to False since there is no information on the UDP scanner,
    # but just to show the usage thay are set to False here
    main_scanner.merge(udp_scanner, merge_os=False, merge_scripts=False, merge_tcp=False, merge_trace=False)

2.9.3. Example 2: Multi-threading/processing scans

import nmapthon as nm
import multiprocessing

def read_ips(ips_file):
    with open(ips_file) as f:
        return [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()]

def worker(n, ip, return_dict):
    sc = nm.NmapScanner(ip, ports=[1-1000], arguments='-sT -sV -T4 -n')
    except nm.NmapScanner as e:
        raise e
    return_dict[n] = sc

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Create share dict to store scans
    manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
    return_dict = manager.dict()
    jobs = []
    # Read IPS from file
    ips = read_ips('my_ips_file.txt')
    for i in range(len(ips)):
        p = multiprocessing.Process(target=worker, args=(i, ips[i], return_dict))

    # Freeze application until all apps finish
    for proc in jobs:

    # Take the first scanner as caller
    main_scan = return_dict[0]
    # Pass the rest of the scans as arguments for merging

    # Now you can use the main_scan as a single scanner with all the information
    for host in main_scan:
        # Continue normally