2.2. Running the scan

After instantiating the scanner, the run() method will execute it. The program will block until the nmap process finishes, and after that, the NmapScanner instance will contain all the information from the scan.

2.2.1. Example

import nmapthon as nm

example_scanner = nm.NmapScanner(target='', arguments='-sS')

# Execute the scan
except nm.NmapScanError as e:
    print('Catching all scan errors!: {}'.format(e))

# Now the 'example_scanner' object contains all the information from the scan.

Please head to the next sections to know how to manage all the information gathered from the scan.

2.2.2. Errors

When executing the run() method, several type of errors can pop, but all of them are raised by the same Exception: NmapScanError. The situations when this Exception could come out are:

  • No targets to scan are specified.
  • When nmapthon cannot parse the nmap output, due to any type of nmap error that interrupted the execution. In this case, the NmapScanError will print the nmap error.
  • When no output from nmap is given.