2.6. Scripts

Nmapthon supports two types of scripts:
  • NSE scripts. Which are LUA scripts that can be execute through the --script argument from the nmap tool.
  • PyNSE scripts. Which are python functions that are registered as “NSE scripts”. See PyNSEEngine to learn how they work.

Whatever type of script you are executing, each script has a name. In case of NSE scripts, the script name will be the argument(s) passed to the --script argument like --script ssl-cert. On the other hand, PyNSE scripts have a mandatory name parameter.

When retrieving a script output, it needs to be referenced by its name. Nmapthon has several ways of retrieving those scripts:

  • host_script(host:str, script_name:str): Returns the host script output for a given script name. If the target does not have any information about that script, it will raise a NmapScanError.
  • port_script(host:str, proto:str, port:(str,int), script_name:str): Returns the port script output for a given script name, associated with a protocol and a port. If the target does not have any information about that script, it will raise a NmapScanError.
  • host_scripts(host:str, script_name:str=None): Yields a tuple with (script_name, script_output) for every host script from a particular host. If script_name is specified, then it will only yield scripts whose names contain that string.
  • port_scripts(host:str, proto:str, port:(str,int), script_name:str=None): Yields a tuple with (script_name, script_output) for every port script from a particular host, port and protocol. If script_name is specified, then it will only yield scripts whose names contain that string.


host_script() and port_script() functions must raise a NmapScanError to indicate “missing” scripts. The None return value is not possible, since a PyNSE script may return a None value if the user defines it to do so, and may confuse the real script output with the “missing script” situation.


Apart from that, we can get the scripts from a Service instance, as explained in the previous page.

2.6.1. Example

import nmapthon as nm

sc = nm.NmapScanner('10.10.10-15.2-254', ports=[443, 80, 53], arguments='-sV --script=ssl-cert,dns-brute')
for i in sc.scanned_hosts():
    for port in sc.scanned_ports(i, 'tcp'):
        for n, o in sc.port_scripts(i, 'tcp', port):
            print('Name: {}\nOutput: {}'.format(n, o))

# Check unique script output
print('{}'.format(sc.port_script('', 'tcp', 443, 'ssl-cert')))

# Check unique script from service
service_example = sc.service('', 'tcp', 443)
if service_example is not None: