2.7. OS Detection

If OS detection was performed (for example, by using '-O' or '-A'), you can get the OS matches with their accuracy and the OS fingerprint:

  • os_matches(host:str): Yields every OS name with it’s corresponding accuracy for a given host.
  • os_fingerprint(host:str): Returns the OS fingerprint for a given host. If no fingerprint was found or performed, it will return None.
  • most_accurate_os(host:str): Returns a list with the most accurate OSs. The list is needed because there might not be only one OS match with the highest accuracy, but several.

2.7.1. OS Detection example

import nmapthon as nm

scanner = nm.NmapScanner('', arguments='-O --osscan-guess')

# Notice that '' can be used without expecting an NmapScanError
# localhost should always respond.
for os_match, acc in scanner.os_matches(''):
    print('OS Match: {}\tAccuracy:{}%'.format(os_match, acc))

fingerprint = scanner.os_fingerprint('')
if fingerprint is not None:
    print('Fingerprint: {}'.format(fingerprint))

for most_acc_os in scanner.most_accurate_os(''):
    print('Most accurate OS: {}'.format(most_acc_os))