2.1. Instantiation

The NmapScanner class takes one positional parameter and **kwargs parameters for instantiation:

NmapScanner(targets, ports=None, arguments=None, engine=None)

  • targets: Can be specified as a str or a list. A string may contain any number of targets separated by commas, and a list may contain any number of targets as separate elements. Nmapthon considers a target any of the following:

    • A domain or URL.
    • A resolvable hostname (like a NetBIOS hostname).
    • A single IP Address (like "").
    • A full IP Address range (like "").
    • A partial IP Address range (like "192.167-168.0.1-20").
    • An IP address with a netmask, which will include all the IP address inside the mask but without the network address and the broadcast address (like "").

For kwargs:

  • ports: Can be specified as a str or a list. A list may contain any number of target ports separated by commas, and a list may contain any number of target ports as separate elements. Nmapthon considers a target port any of the following:

    • A single port as str or int type (like 22 or "80").
    • A port range (like "22-80").
  • arguments: String containing every nmap parameter that we want to execute. For example '-sV -Pn'.


No -d or -v options allowed (That means no debugging or verbosity). The -p parameter is not allowed either, ports must be specified on instantiation or by the ports setter as explained above.

  • engine: Specify a PyNSEEngine object. Refer to this section PyNSEEngine to learn more about it.

Note that every instantiation parameter can be set as None, including the targets, but at least those need to be set before running the scan. Each of these instantiation parameters have their properties and setters, which means that you can interact with them after instantiation the scanner itself:

  • <scanner_instance>.targets: Property and setter for the NmapScanner targets.
  • <scanner_instance>.ports: Property and setter for the NmapScanner ports.
  • <scanner_instance>.arguments: Property and setter for the NmapScanner arguments.
  • <scanner_instance>.engine: Property and setter for the NmapScanner NSE engine.

2.1.1. Simple example

import nmapthon as nm

# This instantiates a scanner for localhost and Service Detection on default ports
scanner = nm.NmapScanner('', arguments='-sV')

# This one scans 255 hosts at maximum speed and with script launching, OS detection and Service Detection
scanner = nm.NmapScanner(['', '', ''], arguments='-A -T4')

# This one scans localhost and another IP range for the first 200 ports and 443.
scanner = nm.NmapScanner(',', ports=['1-200', 443])