2.10. Import XML

You can build an NmapScanner object from an existing Nmap XML file. To do so, just execute the from_xml(file) constructor:

  • NmapScanner.from_xml(file:str): Returns a NmapScanner instance from a valid Nmap XML output file.


Note that non_scanned_targets() and non_scanned_ports(target:str, proto:str) will both return empty values, since Nmapthon uses the <instance>.targets and <instance>.ports setters, respectively, to process which targets and ports are not scanned.

2.10.1. Example

import nmapthon as nm

scanner = nm.NmapScanner.from_xml('/path/to/nmap.xml')
# Of course, you do NOT call the run() method

for i in scanner.scanned_hosts():
    for proto in scanner.all_protocols(i):
        print('Continue normally....')