4.2. Port scripts

Port scripts are those that execute when a particular port responds to the nmap scan.

To register a port script, decorate the functions with @<engine_instance>.port_script(...). The function is defined as follows:

port_script(name:str, port:(str,int,list), targets='*', proto='*', states=None, args=None):

  • name: Name that will be used on the NmapScanner instance to reference the script output.
  • ports: Single port or list of ports that, when found with the given states, will make the engine execute the function. They are specified the same way as ports are specified during the NmapScanner Instantiation.
  • targets: Specify the targets that will be affected by the function. '*' means all of them. Targets can be specified as an str or a list type, the same way as targets are specified during the NmapScanner Instantiation.
  • proto: Transport layer protocol from the port. Default is `*' which means anyone, but can also be 'tcp' or 'udp'.
  • states: Port states when the function will be triggered. Default is None, which means only 'open' state, but can be a list containing any of the following values: 'open', 'filtered' and 'closed'.
  • args: If the function has arguments, pass them as a tuple or list of arguments.

The information gathered from each of the registered port function is stored inside a Service object from that particular port. If there NmapScanner has already generated a service instance for that port, the script will be added to it.

Note that the data that will be stored inside the instance will be whatever the decorated function returns

4.2.1. Example

import nmapthon as nm

engine = nm.engine.PyNSEEngine()

# Create a custom SSH enum function
@engine.port_script('custom_ssh_enum', 22, proto='tcp', states=['open', 'filtered'], args=('path/to/wordlist',))
def ssh_enum_function(wordlist):
    return 'My SSH enum with the wordlist: {}'.format(wordlist)

sc = nm.NmapScanner('', ports='22', arguments='-sV -Pn -sS -n', engine=engine)

# If the gateway responds to the scan, it will have an assigned port script
print(sc.port_script('', 'tcp', 22, 'custom_ssh_enum'))