4.1. Host scripts

Host scripts are functions that are execute once per host, if they respond to the scan.

To register a host script, decorate the functions with @<engine_instance>.host_script('name'). The function is defined as follows:

host_script(name:str, targets='*', args=None):

  • name: Name that will be used on the NmapScanner instance to reference the script output.
  • targets: Specify the targets that will be affected by the function. '*' means all of them. Targets can be specified as an str or a list type, the same way as targets are specified during the NmapScanner Instantiation.
  • args: If the function has arguments, pass them as a tuple or list of arguments.

The information gathered from each of the registered host function is stored as a normal host script inside the NmapScanner instance. To access them, use the host_scripts(host:str) function.

Note that the data that will be stored inside the instance will be whatever the decorated function returns

4.1.1. Example 1

import nmapthon as nm

engine = nm.engine.PyNSEEngine()

# This function will only execute when the gateway ( responds to the scan.
@engine.host_script('custom_script', targets='')
def custom_gateway_scan():
    return 'I could return any type of information here'

sc = nm.NmapScanner('', arguments='-sS -n -T5', engine=engine)

# If the gateway responds to the scan, it will have an assigned host script
for name, output in sc.host_scripts(''):
    print('{}: {}'.format(name, output))
    # Prints 'custom_script: I could return any type of information here!'

4.1.2. Example 2

import nmapthon as nm

engine = nm.engine.PyNSEEngine()

# Pass the function parameters with the decorator
@engine.host_script('param_testing', args=('Nmapthon',))
def func_with_params(my_arg):
    return 'Testing {}!'.format(my_arg)

sc = nm.NmapScanner('', engine=engine)

# Localhost should always respond
print('{}'.format(sc.host_script('', 'param_testing')))