3.2. Running the scan

AsyncNmapScanner also has the run() method, which will start executing the scan in background. You can use several methods to get the scan state and block the application:

  • is_running(): Returns True if the scanner is running, False if not.
  • wait(): Blocks the program execution until the scan finishes.
  • finished_succesfully(): Returns True if the scan finished with no fatal errors. False if not.

If mute_errors=True is used, you can get the Exception raised when muted in case it did not finish successfully:

  • fatal_errors(): Returns list of NmapScanError with the information from the Exceptions raised that was muted. If no mute_errors=True was set, it will return None, but you will have anyways an NmapScanError raised on your program.

3.2.1. Example 1

import nmapthon as nm
import time

scanner = nm.AsyncNmapScanner('', ports=range(1,10001), arguments='-sS -sU')

# Do something while it executes
while scanner.is_running():
    print("I print because I can :)")

# Check if it was not successful
if not scanner.finished_succesfully():
    print("Uh oh! Something went wrong!")

3.2.2. Example 2

import nmapthon as nm

scanner = nm.AsyncNmapScanner('', ports=range(1,10001), arguments='-sS -sU')

# Do something and block execution until finishes
for i in range(1, 1000000):
    print("Im printing a lot of lines!")

# Check if it was not successful
if not scanner.finished_succesfully():
    print("Uh oh! Something went wrong!\nPopped error:\n{}".format(scanner.fatal_error()))